Black Lives Matter, let's unite and speak up to correct injustices, to fight for equality and bury racism

Monday 28 March 2016

40- Entertaining friends while suffering from social phobias ...

38- entertaining friends while suffering from social phobias ...
... Is never easy, but I managed to get better with time, number of invitations in the past 18 months , and I'm used to the presence of some friends.
At first, it was very difficult. I still remember one of the first visits, just before Christmas 2014, when we invited several friends we'd known for a few months and during social games, I was seized with severe nausea and vomiting ensued, which is difficult because of one of many other phobias, emetophobia ...

I found myself overwhelmed, even thogh I knew and already liked these people, and I had no choice than to lie down on the couch and watch them finish the game because I felt too weak and in alert for another attack...

Over the course of several other invitations, it has improved and a few days ago two friends came to play, and one fo theirs, that my wife knew, but not me, because I had not been to the anniversary of one of them in February.

I had no particular concerns during the visit, but in the end, after the two friends had gone and the last with whom we were talking, I was taken by another one of my phobias, coprophobia, in the wc, and there, acid reflux that created a kind of indigestion...

Yesterday, we got up late after video games party during which we had a good laugh ...
Meals shifted and too generous, I went to bed very late and early this morning, around 6 am, I woke up with a burning throat, as if I'd vomitted ... and very nauseated, as that feeds a phobia loop, and after a moment, I started listening to music on my smartphone and stayed up sitting in the other room until 7:45 ... then, I rejoinned my bed, with my stomach finally calmed down...

I realize that some of this morning disturbance stems from taking the stress during the preparation of the evening and in waiting of meeting a new person.

It turns out that I had seen her a few times before during a monthly appointment of our group, but we never spoke, and I enjoyed that person during the evening and especially after the departure of the other two friends ; there was a moment we discussed and learned about common passions and forged a link beyond gaming and launched projects for photographic walks , which is great because I was looking for hiking partners, but ... when I still suffer from social phobia, some automations do not go away overnight and they require constant monitoring.

Despite all this, I am more than happy to have invited '' the unknown'' who can become, I am sure, a good friend with whom we share a lot of passions and topics.
Next time it will happen necessarily better!

The month of April will help me with the many invitations that we have for one or two other game evenings, but also two friends come to watch ... 6 movies in a marathon about 3-4 days, and one of them will see another movie .

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