Black Lives Matter, let's unite and speak up to correct injustices, to fight for equality and bury racism

Thursday 3 March 2016

20 – Depression

Suffering from depression or an episode of depression affects both emotions, and the physical body  which becomes fatigued faster when you have a depression because the body and psyche are linked.
I have experienced many episodes of depression in my life, and depression more or less chronically, since I was a child.
The causes may vary and are sometimes difficult to detect. Other times, depression is just a phase in my cyclothymia, and in the most difficult moments I found myself with several depressions at the same time: one being in my cyclothymia, another more in the background, etc. .

Before suggesting meds, I must say that I categorically refused them, for several reasons:
I do not often respond favorably to chemical treatments of allopathic medicine; I know the risks and unwanted side effects; I refuse when possible to use medicines derived from animal testing and that garner huge amounts of money to the pharmaceutical industry. I think it is preferable, whenever possible, to use alternative medicine, specifically medicinal plants of which we know the positive effects. 

Apart from these contributions, we must also make sure to eat well, balanced and varied; my choices are formed from my philosophy of life and holistic approach.
Have regularity in meal times and daily activities, such as keeping the apartment clean and organized, helps to limit the harm and increased periods of depression in cyclothymia. I have experienced it enough times in my life to find it out.

Staying busy with different activities, playing games, hikes, is important to have a healthier body; it also helps the brain to decompress and not focus only on the negative, the difficulties in life.

Doing physical exercise - eg walking / hiking in the woods and mountains enormously resources me, firstly with fresh air and nature ; the act of walking burns calories but also energy (and so I sleep better = less stimuli).

Since I also bring my camera during these hikes, I bring back photos to occupy me in their processing and gives me the satisfaction of a physical and artistic / creative activity.
In alternative medicine, I sort also because there are a lot of techniques and pseudosciences whose bases make me "chuckle". I do not use just anything, even though I believe in some more esoteric topics, I do not blindly take everything as absolute truth. I think very important to exercise critical thinking and making choices as logical and pragmatic as possible.
Among the plants, I found useful:

  • Lemon balm, verbena: sweet taste, herbal teas and decoctions help relaxation, and headaches / migraines, among others. Reduce nervousness with these plants helps to limit some or much effect of the blues.
  • Lavender in the form of essential oil: a few drops on the pillow at night promotes relaxed and peaceful sleep ... it is important to get up on a good foot. 

It is quite possible to cure, or at least lessen the effects of depression; That said, I learned in books and sessions with the CBT shrink, that people with social phobias and depression have a high % risk of having episodes of depression return. We must therefore learn to accept that this can happen, and not develop anxiety about this possibility; it only creates negative thoughts that can become a bad habit and it will be harder to pull off, because we must learn to think differently, to change cognitions.

Reading ''self-help for your nerves'' I remember the advice of acceptance, understanding that it is possible to cure depression because it is temporary ; regular activities and planing helps to reduce stress that inactivity may promote; do not over-analyze the facts of the day overnight avoids systematic relapse in the morning, and must replace negative thoughts with hope.

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