Black Lives Matter, let's unite and speak up to correct injustices, to fight for equality and bury racism

Saturday, 20 June 2020

438- BLM 2 : all lives matter is hypocrisy, ignorance or insensitivity

I'm going to state something that some of you will agree, and others won't, but I must be a bit controversial here. After George Floyd's murder, the Black Lives Matter movement became a lot more visible in protests and online. Some acted as if this was new, not realizing that the movement was launched in 2013 and that the systemic racial inequalities and injustices have been going on for centuries before this... 

In response, many posted 'but all lives matter' and today, I want to address the hypocrisy of so many of those who proclaimed this. Indeed, a lot of those who posted it as tweets and/or as part of their twitter profile are also racists, voted and still support president Trump, despite EVERYTHING that he's done so wrong in his entire mandate ; many are also pro-lifers and against any abortion, no matter what the situation is, are in us-vs-them christian bible thumpers who are against any kind of immigration and against every single racial and religious group that isn't their own white christian one, anywhere in the USA... 

Many are also omnivores, fishing and hunting, showing absolute disregard to non-human lives, after their absolute disdain, hate and ideological war against non-white privileged people...  The level of hypocrisy of 'all lives matter' when people display so many of these elements, sometimes of all of them in the same profiles and tweets, is just staggering. 

These people care only about themselves and their kind : 
rich, white-privileged, christian, pro-making babies but don't care about them when they grow up, oh no, that'd be too much! 

They don't care about people of color, minorities, people who aren't cisgender and heterosexual, they don't care about animals that are sacrificed for their plates and bellies, or for any other 'reason'. 

In short, 'all lives matter' tend to be people who are actually saying 'my white life matters against everything else on this planet', and so,  it's one of the most hypocritical phrase they can say.


When the people posting 'all lives matters' thinking it's a unifying battle against racism and prejudice but aren't those white-privileged racists, and genuinely wishing to be part of the solution aren't hypocrites they may display a lack of understanding and/or insensitivity to the very reasons of the existence of the BLM movement and all the shares on social media that center on this hashtag. 

To correct ignorance and avoid insensitively posting 'but all lives matter' one has to understand the history of our world's colonial past, how entire countries entered into the slave trades by kidnapping and transporting humans, most often from Africa, to their countries for labor slave lives, how and why, at some point in the history of said country, people grew to understand the wrong basis for this slavery and officially declared it abolished, and yet maintained some of the bigotry that lead to it,  growing white privilege and systemic racism which exacerbated and enduring racial injustice and inequality, and police brutality against people of color, especially black, african-american citizens, even decades after previous civil rights movements which had initially improved their life conditions on the surface. 

BLM was born in response to this brutality, over 6 years ago ; in the past few weeks, it gained more widespread recognition after yet another brutal murder of a black man, perpetrated by a white cop, on camera, and FINALLY more people are now engaging and participating in the cause which is to bring, after all these centuries of history and bigotry, an enduring equality. 

BLM isn't about 'all lives' but that right now, we must as people, support the need for equality and end of systemic racism, of bigotry and brutality that had been in ever growing presence in the USA, in the past few decades. 

BLM isn't new, it's only culminating now because the voices that have been ignored and shut are tired of calling in peace, so now they are screaming to end injustice and gain the decency they are supposed to have as human beings. 

Each time 'all lives matter' shows up, it's yet another attempt to silence these voices, these screams against racial prejudice and injustices, these brutal attacks by many police officers whose job is to protect, but who chose a racial asterisk of privilege and bigotry. 

The BLM movement never said that other lives don't matter, it's simply that right now, you have to take a pause to recognize and strive to improve their condition, by taking a definite position for it as silence is taking side with the oppressor ! 

So, as a white person (although with mixed origins) I say that I join the movement, and that Black Lives Matter, because I know and acknowledge my privileged situation as a white person, and because I understand the history that lead to this present. 

Don't let history perpetuate itself. Learn from it, grow and improve to a better version of yourself, support this cause, and then, when equality is reached, we won't need BLM nor to make a distinction about all lives mattering, because in fighting for social equality would have worked towards it. 


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