Black Lives Matter, let's unite and speak up to correct injustices, to fight for equality and bury racism

Thursday, 5 September 2024

492 - Enldess paths


This 32nd poem did not want to come in stream of consciousness, and required repeated gardening.

I started its composition following Miriamc4's prompt on Threads : There is a path before me - from August 22, 23 and 29, first in English for the first two stanzas, then after a short break, on the 31st in a Twitch workshop at LineManoury, with a subject given by Eden. The workshop lasted an hour and resulted in a text more narrative than poetic, with few rhymes, from the line of laces to the side of a wreck, or 95 words.

Tuesday, 27 August 2024

491- (e)Book –What my bones know


 (e)Book –What my bones know

Full title  What my bones know - A Memoir of Healing from Complex Trauma

Author : Stephanie Foo
Score : 9/10
Year : 2022
Publisher : Balantine Books  
ISBN  9780593238110 (ebook)  // 9780593238127 (based on trade paperback)
Pages : 352
Language: English

My long-time readers and friends already know that I struggle with multiple cptsd's and ptsd's, and that my intellectual aspect needs to understand my story, its background and always look for news ways to better cope, incorporating new knowledge. 

My psychotherapist found that I was pushing too much with this cerebral need, and requested that I take longer breaks in reading upon these topics, to give me more time to actually LIVE and FEEL, as I had to relearn sensory perceptions, among other things. So, I compromised and spaced my research about anything psychology and trauma-related, until my wife's cousin suggested this particular book : what my bones know, by Stephanie Foo, a memoir of her battles and healing from cptsd. 

Tuesday, 9 April 2024

490 - Fiction bubble - the mask

For the fictional bubble of March 27, 2024, the inspiration must have come from a photo of an object posted by one of the Rainettes on discord. My chosen object being the mask posted by Dark, I first composed a poem comprising stanzas of 4, 3, 5, 3 and 2 lines. (these numbers are true in the Open Office file ; Rainettes is how we are called in that community). 

Wednesday, 21 February 2024

489 - Poetic Bubble - How many are we?


Voting topics for the poetry bubble of 21 February 2024:

How many are we?

How to be a poet with ghosts

What are your disobediences?

For this composition, I relied on previous bubbles, and made a sort of synthesis, a summary of the characters - with a view to continuing the series created by the interactions in links that I established after a few initially separated texts.

Friday, 16 February 2024

488 - Fiction bubble 5 words

 The fiction bubble of 16/Feb/2024 consists of 5 words to include: happy, poor, port, kitchen, table.

My composition follows directly from the previous workshop, the poetic one, dedicated to a dialogue with a simple stone.

Wednesday, 7 February 2024

487 - Poetic Bubble - Simple pebble

The subject of the poetic bubble 7 February  2024 was voted  between

What do you know about nature?

what are your territories?

What conversation do you have with a simple pebble?

Wednesday, 24 January 2024

486 - Fiction Bulle 5 words

 For the fiction bubble on 24//Jan/2024 5 words to include: Extreme, Poor, First, Sigh, Two. 

Friday, 19 January 2024

485 - What is your inventory


The original poem was born in French, in the poetic bubble of January 19 (2024) at LucieBulle's, the promot was : what is your inventory?

We voted in poll with two other possibilities:

where is and what is your garden?

What do you know about your era?

Friday, 12 January 2024

484 - Fiction bubble StartEnd

Note on the image : I used 2 of my own photos

For the composition of this January 12, the fiction start/end bubble announced the 1st sentence must be:

"Ils avaient dû s'aimer mais c'était il y a longtemps... =

"They must have loved each other but it was a long time ago...

and the text must end with this:

"Je vois juste une lune en croissant et des nuages en forme de mélancholie" =

"I just see a crescent moon and clouds in the shape of melancholy"

"They must have loved each other but it was a long time ago...

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Anonymous commented on 455 poem about depression: “Absolutely amazing 😭 ”
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