Black Lives Matter, let's unite and speak up to correct injustices, to fight for equality and bury racism

Monday, 15 May 2023

475 - Living in a religious cult 7 - failed parenting

When I posted my sixth living in a religious cult entry, back in July 2022, I thought I was done with the series that started in October 2017. However, just like I said back then, it's probably impossible to be exhaustive - at least on a blog - in telling all that occurred in those traumatic years in my father's religious cult. 

Today, I discuss the topic of parenthood : that of his failures as a parent might be evident already from previous entries, but requires expanding and perhaps clarification.

Monday, 8 May 2023

474 - Brainstorm - A Poem

During Emma Mcgann's song writing challenge I was inspired to write a mashup of all her 10 prompts into one poem. I'd taken notes and a few days later, started composing. 

The muses decided to redirect the narrative, to what became Brain Storm. 

Saturday, 6 May 2023

473 - Eat the Rich! - Slam Poetry 01


It's pretty cool to be present in Twitch streams and get inspired into writing poems. That's how I participated in a challenge, changing it from song writing to poetry - you can read all 10 with the label 'EmmaMcGann'. 

Yesterday, I was in Kelli, aka Kelaska's stream, and during a conversation about rhymes, song VS poem composition with or without them, someone asked what rhymed with 'sausage'. 

Monday, 1 May 2023

472 - His Last Page - A poem

Emma Mcgann's song writing challenge is over, and now I finally arrive to its 10th and last prompt : The last page (e.g. inspiring book, conclusion, bitter end).

I decided to turn to science, using the Sun... with a touch of fantasy and science-fiction : a conversation between the Sun, and... left his correspondent's name out of this poem, but with some nods you may be able to puzzle and realize whom I speak about.... (if not, scroll down past the end to see , and there's also a  nod to Bilbo's butter quote)

PS : I used a creative-commons Nasa image of a Red Giant, and drew a star-looking viewscreen around. 

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