Black Lives Matter, let's unite and speak up to correct injustices, to fight for equality and bury racism

Thursday, 29 December 2016

154 - Art : from art, to art therapy (5) - 2016 (2)

After a few months with very little art making, I resumed by helping my wife with decorations for Halloween (I still haven't been able to locate the photos), and then, Christmas cards for two friends. 

They are therapy only in the sense that I use them not only to entertain my friendships, but, also, to practice my skills and improve.

Wednesday, 28 December 2016

153- CBT2016 - 13/13

Back from the 13th and last CBT session of 2016, also marking 7 months of therapy with my second CBT therapist, and much work have been achieved thus far. 

Indeed, this second CBT started 30/05/2016 and after the first preliminary session, geared towards getting to meet one another and setting the plan to follow, my therapist had sent me to do various exposures to report on the subsequent meeting. 

Thursday, 8 December 2016

152- On why was my atheist coming-out important to me

I have recently come out as an atheist and now I'm going to tell you a few of the reasons why I think it was important to me. 

As I mentioned in that post and several others, I was raised in a religious cult, in a country where religion is very much part of daily life and politics. 

Thursday, 1 December 2016

151- Interwoven phobias that complicate my life

I talked vaguely about three of my worst phobias, which complicate my life. I will tell you more about this in order to give an idea of ​​the difficulties I have encountered every day since I was a child.

I must here set a trigger alert to all those who suffer from the same phobias. I share so you can understand me better, not to hurt anyone.

These three phobias are imbricated all together, in the following scheme:

Hemophobia: fear of being in contact and seeing blood; Very close to it, I also have the sub-category of blood-injection-injury phobia, whose title is rather evocative.
Coprophobia : Fear of excrement. And yes, the natural need of practically all animals, including humans, causes me a lot of difficulties.
Each of these phobias being very strong, they cause me great anxieties, nausea, and support another equally serious one: emetophobia, the phobia of vomiting.

My other posts about these phobias are : 

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