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Wednesday 26 April 2023

469 - Roof of the Mountain - A poem

 Emma Mcgann's song writing challenge is over, as it lasted 10 days, each with its own prompt. 

As I converted the challenge into poems, and being slower, I'm now at my 7th - don't worry, I'll compose and post the others in the next few days, with a bonus in the works...

The prompt for this was "Silence" (e.g. solitude, quiet, abandoned), for which I chose to break from heavier topics, and wrote this about the silence and solace that nature offers, particularly on top of a mountain I love hiking to. 

The image above was taken there, and I took the artistic approach for the text, Mountain going upwards, around the macro attachment's view (this topic is mentioned below) 

Roof of the Mountain

The end of an upward climb, I need my aching body to sooth 

                  On the roof of this mountain, my mind is tranquil

                   A breeze hushes down, everything is now so still

At this spot I refresh, at this real fountain of youth 

The air is thinner ; but in rich and luscious aromas infused

Observing nature's smaller beauties, I am bemused.

I bend down, for a whole world is at my feet, 

Between grass blades and fauna, my eyes explore its immensity

Through the lens, I perceive their details and complexity

These flowers, bushes or trees each offer an opulent realm

filled with multitudes of life-forms inhabiting their domain

Its variation and speed may the senses overwhelm

Hushed and restrained witnessing, my intellect is entertained 

Insects stare back at me, plausibly wondering if foe or friend I be 

reaching out to me with all their instincts and senses,

They must ascertain whether to stay, or flee

Calm I stand, crouch or sit, sharing their suspens

Posing amply, their image I capture, my placidity recompensed 

I thank for their cautious passivity and in peace we go our separate ways

Now sitting on this table, I rest and reflect, this time condensed

in such interaction ; these brief moments bloom to lasting memories, 

I'm  grateful for nature's complicity, I retrace my steps, soaking the sun's rays


There's only one word added after I translated the poem into French.

These flowers, bushes or trees each offer an opulent, introverted realm

from initial
These flowers, bushes or trees each offer an opulent realm

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