Black Lives Matter, let's unite and speak up to correct injustices, to fight for equality and bury racism

Friday, 26 March 2021

445- #LeonadNimoyDay 2021

art credit : Mr Spock by my wife. Last year we changed together the background to black and grey, and we both painted his famous quote, seen to the left. 
Photo by me. 

After Boston's announcement, today is the first official #LeonadNimoyDay , high time to officially honor him and his works. 

Friday, 19 March 2021

444- Book - Life on High Alert

Book –Life on High Alert

Author: Hannah Rainey
Score: 10/10
Year: 2019
Publisher:  Hannah Rainey
ISBN   152724377X// 9781527243774 
Pages 110
Language: English 

I've mentioned Hannah Rainey on this blog several times before. I already told you that I found her blog entries inspirational on more than one occasion, and that some entries on my blog here have resulted directly from reading her. 

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