Black Lives Matter, let's unite and speak up to correct injustices, to fight for equality and bury racism

Saturday, 22 February 2020

425- Toxic friendships: Unhealthy boundaries

Trigger Warning for mentioned DV and cult related stuff, and also, this is a long one - 2,401 words, hereafter. 

Toxicity is something which, in my opinion, should remain only with toxic products. Yet, many people in our lives can prove to have toxic effects upon our well-being ; they are those one-sided relationships where you don't ever get any sort of equilibrium in benefits ; they are those where a person abuses the kindness, energy and time of the other, for their own selfish goals. 

By more specific definition, a toxic partner's actions will be emotionally, and/or physically damaging to their partner. These often drain us emotionally and/or physically, most often diminishing our self-esteem and making us question what we've done wrong, and yet, it is these people who should ask themselves these questions. 

424- Turning back the clock : my earliest one sided friendships

In attempting to compose an entry about toxic friendships, I realized that I had to turn back the clock to my earliest ones, where I ended up being the 1-sided person, because of my circumstances. 

Here, mild trigger warnings apply, for content about religious cults. 

423- Expanded review on Book Trouver son propre chemin

Book – Trouver son propre chemin

Full title adds : Un guide pour redéfinir le sense de sa vie et réussir l'essentiel 

Translation of the title : Finding one's own path, a guide to redefine one's Life's meaning and succeed in essentials 

Author: Isabelle Filliozat
Score: 0/10
Year: 1992
Publisher: Belfond
ISBN 9782266076302
Pages  282*

Language: French 

I posted an original entry on Media Garden, my reviews blog. Today, I want to expand on it here, to showcase why I felt it contains dangerous topics, in contrast to the real terminologies. To avoid full copy paste, I'll let you read that review first, and then come back for quoted passages. 

Monday, 10 February 2020

422- Trimmer Jacques Provost 0589

As discussed in post 417, my current shaving routine alternates 2 main tools - the rotary blade shaver by SweetLF, and this cheap but rather impressive small trimmer, which I paid about 12€ in a local mall!! 

First, I'll remind you that '' I may discuss brands I tested, but I am in no way endorsing their practices (which I'm not aware of)  and am not being paid to mention them, either. This is purely a personal experience, pros and cons I find in self-care routines and products I use for them."

421 - Electric shaver SweetLF SWS7105

If you recall post 417 about my current self-care routines, I mentioned that I started using this electric shaver a few months ago. Today, I want to detail this model, SW-S7105 from SweetLF.

I'll remind you that '' I may discuss brands I tested, but I am in no way endorsing their practices (which I'm not aware of)  and am not being paid to mention them, either. This is purely a personal experience, pros and cons I find in self-care routines and products I use for them."

Thursday, 6 February 2020

420- From He to They

Most of my readers know that I grew up in a religious cult, where, among other things, gender norms were instilled in me as an integral part of the dogma, and as such, I was to be, and to represent, solely my birth gender male - given to me by 'god'. Any deviation in gender norm, as well as in sexuality, were sins, punishable with eternal damnation, and losing my privileged spot in heaven. 

Monday, 3 February 2020

419- Psychotherapy 2020-02-03

I barely blogged here in 2019, so before I go into today's psychotherapy, let me catch up first with my previous session, dating 12th of September 2019. 

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