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Sunday 4 August 2019

414- Struggles and advice request

My GAD, chronic depression and emeto have been worsening over the past few months - despite moderate progress in cbt for the latter.

Almost anything, even innocuous but especially administrative difficulties &prospects of financial strife, trigger my anxiety (which triggers my emet), and my depression.

The last few days, these struggles have come to to a further increase of instability, my general mood colapsing on itself and finding myself locked in a spiral of depression.

My moods are erratic, usually somewhere between down below decks in my depression, and anger at my experiences that led me to these struggles, and frustration at my own inabilities. I have come to a conclusion that my brain is handicapped by my many cptsd's and all the
co-morbidities I have been going through lately.

I probably seemed distant to you, whilst other times very chatty and seemed fine. I haven’t been really fine in a very long time.

My wife suggested that I look into a possible antidepressant treatment, which I had previously refused, due to several reasons, including ethical ones as meds are tests on animals in France, with probabilities of animal ingredients in the pills, and personal, fearing addiction to the treatment, side-effects and having to use it for the rest of my life.

Now, I have to consider this. The quality of my psychological life has dwindled and I fear the struggles are only going to grow exponentially in my middle-age years.

So, in the next few days, I’m going to have to rely on the French medical database website, looking at all the possibilities of antidepressants, their ingredients, their side-effects, their addictability.

I see my psychotherapist in mid-September. By then, I hope to have answers and may ask his advice and a possible prescription.

So, if anyone has suggestions on possibilities, I could cross-reference them to find out if they exist here, and all the other information (ingredients etc).

Also, I wonder, for those who have had antidepressant treatment, I have quite a few questions and concerns : 

  • How long does it to take effect? 
  • Are you able to enjoy meeting friends or are you just flat-out with no emotions? 
  • Do they tend to trigger emetophobia ? 
  • Do all of them risk hightened suicidal tendencies ? (I already struggle with this so much)
  • Do all or only some have the risks about weight gain ? (I'd be around 44 when I'd start... my metabolism slowed down some years ago and it'd be tough for me to workout and I never go to gyms - too poor for that, and too much anxieties ) 
  • Are diabetic risks also everywhere ? 
Any others I need to be aware of ? 

Also, my wife’s cousin invited us to London for late October, and I fear if I start the treatment in mid-September, that 6-7 weeks later, I may not be good company and might want to postpone it for after our return...what do you think ? 

Lastly, in view of the risks, for the time being, I may have to use my anti-anxiety med more frequently and see how that goes. Indeed, anxious situations have often exacerbated and sometimes caused my additional struggles with my already existing depression. It has been systmatic when it comes to administrative issues. So, if I take that, as my wife said, it may reduce the dips in depression... But, as I said, I do need advice, so any is welcome, please comment or contact me on twitter or Facebook, wherever you know me. Thank you.


  1. What anti-anxiety medication do you take? If you don't mind me asking, just out of curiosity. I have been on a few anti-depressants. I actually experienced weight loss, it lowered my sex drive a bit and I was unable to cry which was frustrating. Also, I had super super vivid dreams and night sweats. The vivid dreams didn't go away for years after I stopped taking them which is the scary thing...I am not sure if it worked but I was on such a low dose it was impossible to tell. It made me moods swings so much worse though so I haven't gone back to them since. My doctors were clumsy with giving me them though. They would give them to me without telling me how much I should take or anything like that. With a good doctor, they should be more helpful. It really depends on the person when it comes to antidepressants though. I had a friend in uni who said antidepressants changed her life. But I don't think she was chronically depressed like me which is probably why she had such a different experience. I guess with antidepressants, you have to weigh the pros and cons. For example, if nothing else is working for you then maybe it is a good idea.

  2. my anti-anxiety is called Atarax (Hydroxyzine), taken when needed, it's not a daily treatment, my therapist said I can take whenever & it's not addictive. It does have a side effect I struggle with, and tend to need an hour before I can go out, because of it (diarrhea, I assume due to the little lactose in it, and i'm lactose intollerent)

    I have heard of those negative effects from anti-depression, and one of them is increased risk of suicide, and since I already struggle with suicidal ideation, it makes things very complicated.

    That's awful they just gave you and didn't say anything about dosage! wow! so risky! a good doc should always start at a low dosage, when unknown, I assume, and work up till its positive effect is stable, no ?

    Yea, I've had chronic depression since I was 5ish, so almost my entire life... which is why the risks are so much higher for me.


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