Black Lives Matter, let's unite and speak up to correct injustices, to fight for equality and bury racism

Friday, 5 July 2019

413- Petit bambou sessions 1 to 3

All credits go to the app creators. This is merely a post about my experiences with this ap in particular, and meditation in general. 
I wasn't paid. This isn't publicity, only personal experiments and learning. 

During my May 20th psychothrapy session, my therapist suggested that I use Petit Bambou, a meditation app which uses scientifically based exercices, to promote mindfullness and well- being. 

A few days later, I downloaded and installed it, but, upon request to create an account or link to Facebook, I had to pause. A few additional days passed, I decided to link it to the same email I use for this mental health blog, to avoid my private Facebook linking and being flooded with ads. 

412- Meditation past and present

(photo and edit by me)

As you may have seen in post 410, my psychotherapist had suggested back in May to use a meditation app called "Petit Bamboo".  I was to apply it 10 daily minutes, after interrupting any other activity and following three guidelines. 

To quote said entry:    No judgement, No expectations, No failure 

He told me that the app is based on a scientific approach from a therapist who took parts of eastern philosophies and turned them to a scientifically proven tool, without the woo or spiritual aspects. 

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