Black Lives Matter, let's unite and speak up to correct injustices, to fight for equality and bury racism

Sunday, 6 October 2019

415- CBT4Emeto - 21-26

My exposure tasks for the last few CBT4Emeto sessions have usually been the same ones, so I had decided to avoid a repetitious posting on individual sessions. , 

Today I'm working on catching up, and shall discuss sessions 21 to 26.  Their dates were 1, 16 and 30 July, 27 August, 17 September and 5 October. 

Henceforth, my habitual trigger warnings are reiterated. 

Sunday, 4 August 2019

414- Struggles and advice request

My GAD, chronic depression and emeto have been worsening over the past few months - despite moderate progress in cbt for the latter.

Almost anything, even innocuous but especially administrative difficulties &prospects of financial strife, trigger my anxiety (which triggers my emet), and my depression.

Friday, 5 July 2019

413- Petit bambou sessions 1 to 3

All credits go to the app creators. This is merely a post about my experiences with this ap in particular, and meditation in general. 
I wasn't paid. This isn't publicity, only personal experiments and learning. 

During my May 20th psychothrapy session, my therapist suggested that I use Petit Bambou, a meditation app which uses scientifically based exercices, to promote mindfullness and well- being. 

A few days later, I downloaded and installed it, but, upon request to create an account or link to Facebook, I had to pause. A few additional days passed, I decided to link it to the same email I use for this mental health blog, to avoid my private Facebook linking and being flooded with ads. 

412- Meditation past and present

(photo and edit by me)

As you may have seen in post 410, my psychotherapist had suggested back in May to use a meditation app called "Petit Bamboo".  I was to apply it 10 daily minutes, after interrupting any other activity and following three guidelines. 

To quote said entry:    No judgement, No expectations, No failure 

He told me that the app is based on a scientific approach from a therapist who took parts of eastern philosophies and turned them to a scientifically proven tool, without the woo or spiritual aspects. 

Sunday, 30 June 2019

411- Traumatic nature of cult experiences

Upon watching this video by Drew, aka Genetically modified Skeptic, about MLM's and comparing their modus operandi to that of cults, it occured to me that I often post about my traumatic upbringing in my father's religious cult, but needed to expand. 

Friday, 28 June 2019

410- Psychotherapy 2019-05-20 and extensions

As I said in my 409th blog entry, dedicated to the last 4 CBT4Emeto sessions, I haven't blogged here for 3 months, and have now started working to catch up on my content. 

This entry is about my psychotherapy session from 20th of May, just about 6 weeks ago.

409- CBT4Emeto - 17-20

I hadn't posted anything on my blog for over 3 months, so today I'm working on catching up, first with my CBT4Emeto, sessions 17 to 20.   Their dates were April 1st and 19, May 5 and 27. 

It took me this long, because I've been busy with other things,  lacking energy, brain power, inspiration, and something the motivation to even compose blog entries that I felt aren't really read by anyone.

I decided that after all the efforts in blogging for 3 years, I should resume, regardless. 

Henceforth, my habitual trigger warnings are reiterated. 

Wednesday, 20 March 2019

408- CBT4Emeto - 16

It took me 5 days to get around to blog my 16th CBT session for emetophobia. It dates March 15th, but this entry is from the 20th.

It took me this long, because I've been both busy with other things, and postponning this entry due to the extreme difficulties in its composition. 

Henceforth, my habitual trigger warnings are reiterated and I must insist about them : the session was acutely painful. 

Friday, 1 March 2019

407- CBT4Emeto - 15

Today, just under a month since the previous session, I pursued my CBT4Emeto with a 15h session, or 39th overall with my current CBtherapist.

As always, in view of content and how emet can trigger people who suffer from it, trigger warnings apply.

Wednesday, 6 February 2019

406- CBT4Emeto - 14

Yesterday, only a month since the previous session, I pursued my CBT4Emeto with a 14h session, or 38th overall with my current CBtherapist.

As always, in view of content and how emet can trigger people who suffer from it, trigger warnings apply.

Friday, 18 January 2019

405- Being Bitten 4: Coercive Emotional Control

Steven Hassan's list is my current reference list for the BITE model used by cults to control their followers. 

BITE stands for the four control types, which are : Behavior, Information, Thought, and Emotions. 

Trigger warnings apply in view of content and hyper-linked blog entries

404- BITE model 4 - Cult control over emotions

Steven Hassan's list is my current reference list for the BITE model used by cults to control their followers. 

BITE stands for the four control types, which are : Behavior, Information, Thought, and Emotions. 

Wednesday, 16 January 2019

403- Being Bitten 3: Coercive Thought Control

As mentioned in all the previous parts in this blog series, Steven Hassan's list is my current reference list for the BITE model used by cults to control their followers. 

BITE stands for the four control types, which are : Behavior, Information, Thought, and Emotions. 

402- BITE model 3 : Cult control over Thought

Steven Hassan's list is my current reference list for the BITE model used by cults to control their followers. 

BITE stands for the four control types, which are : Behavior, Information, Thought, and Emotions. 

I continue this blog series with the third type of control : manipulation of Thought.

Tuesday, 15 January 2019

401- Being Bitten 2: Coercive Information Control

As mentioned in the previous parts in this blog series, Steven Hassan's list is my current reference list for the BITE model used by cults to control their followers. 

BITE stands for the four control types, which are : Behavior, Information, Thought, and Emotions. 

400- BITE model 2 : Cult control over information

Steven Hassan's list is my current reference list for the BITE model used by cults to control their followers. 

BITE stands for the four control types, which are : Behavior, Information, Thought, and Emotions. 

Monday, 14 January 2019

399- Being Bitten 1: Coercive Behaviour Control

As always in my testimonials, trigger warnings apply throughout

Steven Hassan's list is my current reference list for the BITE model used by cults to control their followers. 

BITE stands for the four control types, which are : Behavior, Information, Thought, and Emotions.

398- BITE model 1 : Cult Control over Behaviours

In view of content : Trigger warning (especially point 17)

Steven Hassan's list is my current reference list for the BITE model used by cults to control their followers. As there are 4 types, or categories of controls, I'll divided this present blog series to detail each in turn.

BITE stands for the four control types, which are : Behavior, Information, Thought, and Emotions.

Each entry shall include a short introduction, the list of control tactics, and then my notes, followed, in a subsequent post, examples of my own experiences. 

397- Cult(ish) II - Control and conditioning

I posted many entries about my upbringing and surivival in my father's religious cult. Some people thought that I was exaggerating. Others joked about cults, not knowing the harm they were causing and how far they were from understanding the pain I was going through by hearing such comments and jokes. 

I decided that I have to explain, in a clear, detailed fashion, not only my experiences as you have read in my other entries, but also more general aspects, as I want you to recognize patterns of power that groups, cults and mainstream religions exert on individuals.

396- Cult(ish) I

Upon watching this video by Drew, aka Genetically modified Skeptic, about MLM's and comparing their modus operandi to that of cults, it occured to me that I often post about my traumatic upbringing in my father's religious cult, but never explained certain definitions. 

So, today, I'd like to help you, my readers, better understand why I discuss it so much, why it is considered a traumatic experience - why it should be if anyone still didn't get the picture about it - and what are differences between a religious cult, a mainstream religion, and also, non-religious cultish behaviors.

Tuesday, 8 January 2019

395- CBT4Emeto 8-13

It has been a very long time since I last posted about my CBT4Emeto.  I didn't want to repeat myself as often, as my tasks were identitcal for quite a while, and my progress really slow. 

Monday, 7 January 2019

394- Brains of A Feather - January 2019

As announed in my previous entry 2 weeks ago, Katie & I co-created a new twitter chat we called - with my wife's advice on the name : Brains Of A Feather. 

We'll host it in turns, every Wednesday at 20:00 GMT and have decided on the topics and questions, ahead for January - and shall continue monthly Skype sessions to discuss our following month. 

Recent comments

LuluGardener commented on 455 poem about depression: “Thank you :) ”
Anonymous commented on 455 poem about depression: “Absolutely amazing 😭 ”
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Anonymous commented on 414 struggles and advice request: “What anti-anxiety medication do you take? If you don't mind me asking, just out of curiosity. I…”
Jhon Jack commented on 340 book ptsd therapy victims of: “I want to thank you for this informative post. I really appreciate sharing this great post. Keep up…”
Jhon mac commented on 318 book ptsd therapy victims of: “I want to thank you for this informative post. I really appreciate sharing this great post. Keep up…”
LuluGardener commented on 406 cbt4emeto 14: “CBT was hard enough for social phobia, but for emet, it's so much harder than I'm much…”
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Anonymous commented on 406 cbt4emeto 14: “CBT isn't easy, but even attempting to tackle these tasks is a positive thing. I hope your…”
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