Black Lives Matter, let's unite and speak up to correct injustices, to fight for equality and bury racism

Monday, 27 August 2018

382- Book – Renaître après un traumatisme

Book – Renaître après un traumatisme : La traversée des tempêtes 
Author : Saverio Tomasella 
Score:  7/10
Year:  2015
Publisher: Eyrolles 

ISBN 978-2-212-56060-2
Pages XVI+212  

Language: French 

6 weeks ago, I had borrowed 3 psych books from one of our university libraries, as they were closing for the summer, allowing me the luxury of time to read them all. I read the first, and quit on the second, waited a while and read this present, third book.

Saturday, 18 August 2018

380- CBT4Hemophobia - 1

If you recall, I had 25 cbt sessions for social phobia (only counting my 2nd therapist's appointments). Then, we continued working together, this time on my complex emetophobia, which includes 3 others phobias. 

I hadn't blogged the 6th session, as it only continued the tasks from CBT4Emeto sessions 4 & 5. 

Yesterday was my 31st overall session, and while we continued working my emeto as a 7th session, we also had our 1st for hemophobia, which I discuss now. If you want to know more about the session's exposure tasks for emeto, read post 379

Due to the highly triggering aspect of this phobia, I now must cautious you that if you click to read more, trigger warning applies from this point onward. 

379- CBT4Emeto 6-7

If you recall, I had 25 cbt sessions for social phobia (only counting my 2nd therapist's appointments). Then, we continued working together, this time on my complex emetophobia, which includes 3 others phobias. 

I hadn't blogged the 6th session, as it only continued the tasks from CBT4Emeto sessions 4 & 5. 

Yesterday was my 31st overall session, and while we continued working my emeto as a 7th session, we also had our 1st for hemophobia, which I'll discuss in my very next entry, to be posted shortly after. 

Due to the highly triggering aspect of this phobia, I now must cautious you that if you click to read more, trigger warning applies from this point onward. 

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