Black Lives Matter, let's unite and speak up to correct injustices, to fight for equality and bury racism

Tuesday, 31 July 2018

378- Trauma, shame & guilt

The trigger warning for this entry corresponds to my own stories, starting at the 8th paragraph. 

The French book about trauma and resilience that I read recently mentioned, how after a trauma in which there is a victim and an abuser, the victims often faces either feelings of shame,  guilt, or both, and explained how this occurs. 
I don't want to do an exact translation, nor to plagiarize, but I thought to share, in gist, the content of this chapter, and I'll also discuss about this aspect in my own experience.

Monday, 30 July 2018

377- Book – Violence subie et résilience (details)

Book – Violence subie et résilience
By :  Claude de Tychey (edited by)
Also : 15 therapists
Score :  7/10
Year :  2015
Publisher : Érès 
ISBN : 9782749247861
Pages : 232 (starts at 9) 
Language : French 

I recently chose three psychology books in one of our libraries, and decided reading this one first. It discusses, in 6 grand (un-numbered) chapters the topic of resilience in view of various traumas, and uses the general term sustained violence.  

Tuesday, 17 July 2018

376- CBT4Emeto- 5

This morning was my 5th CBT session for emeto, the previous  was just 2 weeks ago.  

Due to the highly triggering aspect of this phobia, I now must cautious you that if you click to read more, trigger warning applies from this point onward. 

Monday, 9 July 2018

375 - Self punishment 2 : emotional self-harm

During my research of images and material for the 1st part about my self punishment, I ran into Lilly Hope Lucario's entry here. I immediately realized that my medium-length entry wasn't enough and supposed I'd expand on the topic further. 

I'll avoid copy pasting anything from that link so you'll have to go back and forth between us if you want to keep up  - or if your memory's better than mine, read hers first and then see in what ways each type of emotional self-harm she discusses is reflected in my own case. 

Do be aware that in view of the topic, trigger warnings apply to both our entries. 

Wednesday, 4 July 2018

374- Self punishment 1

1,778 words and 10,175 characters shall follow below, normally not needing any trigger warning as I kept the topic in mild terms. Another entry on the topic shall follow, hence the title.

One of the aspects I discussed the least about in my CPTSD struggles is how I punish myself due to severe lack of self-worth & self-esteem, brought on by life in my father's religious cult.

If you haven't read this entry about depersonalization and conditioning, I invite you to do so now, and then come back to this post. 

Tuesday, 3 July 2018

373- CBT4Emeto- 4

This morning was my 4th overall CBT session for emeto, 3 weeks since the previous.  I was a bit anxious again, but less than the night before the 3rd session. 

Due to the highly triggering aspect of this phobia, I now must cautious you that if you click to read more, trigger warning applies from this point onward. 

Monday, 2 July 2018

372- Book – Les Phobies (Pedinielli/ Bertagne)

Book – Les Phobies : Agoraphobie, phobies sociales, phobies simples 
By : Jean-Louis Pedinielli & Pascale Bertagne 
Score :  5/10
Year:  2009
Publisher : Armand Colin 
ISBN : 978-2-200-34122-0
Pages : 126 (but starts at 7) 
Language : French

I borrowed this book at the Uni's library, as I'm always open to learn more about mental health topics, mental illnesses in general, and phobias in particular, because I suffer from several of them. 

Sunday, 1 July 2018

371- 2018.5

It's the first of July, marking the halfpoint of this year - hence my blog title. This is the first health update in several months - in fact, 2 and a half of them, as you can see

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