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Sunday 11 February 2018

333- 2 years and Katie C's MH Q&A

Today's the 2-year anniversary of this mental health blog. Indeed 

I published my very first blog posts precisely 2 years ago, at this very hour and minute, and so I thought to mix-in two things into one post : 

The anniversary, augmented by a Q&A. 

Since the first anniversary, I continued the process of eliminating toxic people out of my life ; embracing and cultivating new, healthier friendships with other mental health advocates/bloggers & vloggers that I'd met in youtube & twitter's thriving community.

The novelties blogging and talking about my struggles with mental illnesses have shifted to becoming more comfortable about these talks, which became more and more open, receiving support and deepening friendships.

I can see my evolution as a writer, as these 2 years of blog posts, which grew in intensity, details and length, all the whilst my phrasing improved.

I discuss mostly my struggles with mental illnesses, but also participating in campaigns, and expand at times to social topics.

To mark this anniversary, I want to share my replies to a mental health Q&A that Katie posted on her blog, inviting us, her readers, to copy paste and reply the questions for our own experiences, so here I go.

1. What is your mental health issue?
Multiple CPTSD's, phobias, Chronic depression, and Generalized anxiety Disorder. 
2. Do you have medication and/or therapy?

I have psychotherapy for my trauma related material, had CBT for social phobia, and started another for emetophobia (1 session thus far). 

3. What therapy/medication have you tried and has any worked for you?

I don't have regular medication, but prior to my DFSP surgery, I knew I'd have additional anxiety to the one I usually experience. I asked my psychotherapist to prescribe that anti-anxiety medication he had suggested previously, to help me facing this surgery, and post-op bandage changes. It's called Atarax, and I can use it when I need, with no risks of dependency and don't have to use it consistently.  
4. How long have you had problems for?

I suffered since a child. I can trace traumas at least as far as my birth ; developing depression around age 5, social phobia, anxiety, a few phobias, not long after that. though am not sure when, but I knew that I suffered from PTSD, and didn't hear of the term and distinction Cptsd, until only a couple years ago. Most of these were self-diagnosed, and confirmed with my second psychotherapist. 
5. Do your family/friends know?

Some of my family members (maternal side) have shared the initial trauma of my kidnapping, but didn't learn of the rest of my traumatic experiences until I came back to my home country. They aren't very supportive about it (not psycho-emotionally), avoiding the discussions, as they have their own bagage and we weren't in touch for over a decade, but support me in other ways. 

My wife knows and supports me, psycho-emotionally, more than anyone else. 

As for friends : in person, most know, some support, whilst most of our local friendships are based on other topics. 

Online, I have exchanged my story with some, and most of my support comes from friends I made in twitter's mental health community - though not everyone knows the same level of details, as I didn't chat in equal amounts with everyone and am guarded as to whom I learn to trust. 
6. Does this affect your work and daily living?

During my jobs, it did, but I didn't have enough knowledge about my issues, as I was stuck in a cycle of victimization through my therapy at the time ; I didn't have proper support back then, and didn't stand up against hostile work conditions and people that I shared tasks with. 

Daily life is always affected, with more or less intensity. You can read all about it in my ongoing series Daily Impacts. 
7. What makes you feel calm?

Hiking in nature, when I can. Especially if I can do my macro photography. Listening to music. Reading books. Check the hotlinks to my other blogs (on the right side of this screen, if you are on a PC). 
8. What do you do in crisis?

I guess it depends on the type. For panic attacks, I don't yet have enough tools, only a few. For depression, I have also just a few. Most of the time, I have to wait the passage of the storm, or listen to music, and when I manage to recall, ground myself, though I tend to forget to access this in times of crisis. 
9. What advice would you give to others suffering?

To reach out, to get support from family, friends, medical personnel, help/crisis hotlines, each according to type and urgency. 

To learn grounding and coping techniques. 

To learn about the causes/conditions of suffering, either by reading books/blogs/articles/watch videos about psychology (paying attention to the sources, as some can be pseudoscience, or worse, cultish) ; to find a therapist when needed (there are various types of therapies, and each therapist can be different in approach, so find the ones that fit best). 

Find self-expression tools (writing fiction or non-fiction, poetry, blogging or journaling) ; art/ creative outlets.

Find balance between research to improve, and non-Mh related material. 

Join twitter for chats, they helped me a lot! 
10. What makes you smile?

Check this entry
11. Describe your mental health issue in 5 words

Complex. Lifelong. Debilitating. Painful. Isolating. 
12. Insert a picture to make people smile.

I hope this edited photo will make others laugh as much as I had fun making it this past Halloween. You can see it and others here.

If you want to copy paste these questions alone, here they are
1. What is your mental health issue?

2. Do you have medication and/or therapy?

3. What therapy/medication have you tried and has any worked for you?

4. How long have you had problems for?

5. Do your family/friends know? 

6. Does this affect your work and daily living?

7. What makes you feel calm?

8. What do you do in crisis?
9. What advice would you give to others suffering?

10. What makes you smile?

11. Describe your mental health issue in 5 words

12. Insert a picture to make people smile 

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