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Tuesday, 23 January 2018

325- #morethanalabel

My friend Beth created this hashtag #morethanalabel asking us to use it, specifying talents, passions, skills, to express ways in which we are more than our mental illnesses, and thus more than a label, a diagnosis.

Thus, for a tweet, I only said a few things, and would like to expand.

I am Lulu,  
I'm a husband and a friend
I am an atheist,
Ethical, compassionate vegan

I’m open minded and skeptic, and thus
My world view may confuse, as I’m both wide and constrictive, depending on subject

I speak 3 languages, and my brain-dictionary can (and often does) get confused between them, as well as between different English-variants

I'm a geek and a nerd (especially about scifi & fantasy);
Although my biggest scifi love is for Star Trek and Mr Spock, whom I wished was my father, I grew to love a lot more than the original 1966-68 show, especially Deep Space 9 and The next Generation.
I also love Star Wars. It cohabited within my trekkie nature, with no conflict whatever.

My favorite Fantasy in art are those which represent mythological creatures ; in fiction, my favorites are Tolkien's Lord of The Rings and I also started reading the History of Middle Earth. 

Scifi & Fantasy movies are those that I watch the most, but I also love dramas, biopics, animation, and others ; both older and more recent ones - though not the graphic, bloody ones. 

I'm a book lover, and listening to music plays a vital role in my well-being.

My interests vary greatly, with particular passions towards classic fictional literature; in non-fiction, I especially love reading and learning about ancient civilizations, archaeology, psychology, astronomy, mythology, ecology, medicinal plants, organic and fair-trade farming,

My favorite Art current is Art Nouveau.

I love nature, hiking, and am a moderate amateur digital photographer, with a preference for macros.

I dabbled in the arts (drawing, sketching, a bit of painting and even less often, with clay sculpture).

My favorite color used to be blue, alone. However, some years ago, I added pink, and since then, also purple.

I’m a hyper-sensitive, non-binary, hetero man, who used to be a homophobe until I learned more acceptance, before I understood that I’ve always been non-binary myself.

I love playing videogames, too.

This is my mental health and lifestyle blog, but I also have several others.
Media Garden is for reviews (books, movies and shows)
Music Garden ; Gamer ; Photography 

You can see that I have many many facets to my person, and interests. (These listed here weren't exhaustive).

So, although I suffer from, I am not my mental illnesses as I am #MoreThanALebel

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