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Monday, 1 January 2018

316- Goals for 2018

I hadn't planed to have new year's resolutions or goals for 2018, but it appears that I must do so, and just find a balance between hopes, and realistic goals towards which I can actually work.

2017 was a tough one. Actually, most of my years are, but 17's specific struggles and worsened conditions could have been slightly less extreme had I taken some measures, which become my goals for 2018, as follows:

  • I want to resume self-care routines, including toning exercises which will help reduce back pains and my belly which looks like I have been drinking beer, when I'm a teetotaller ;
  • I also need to be more regular in skin-care, facial masks, shaving, personal grooming.
  • I need to find more tools to deal with my depression and mood swings, and 
  • to go out more often than I have been in the past few years 
  • I need to find an even better balance in research and work on my mental illnesses, and non-mh related activities and my interests 
  • I need to pace my book reading and be more regular and selective in my Goodreads' challenge ; Since 30 was a bit of a stretch this past year, I set my goal at 20, knowing I have a few BIG books in my list. More doable for me than 30 smaller ones. 
  • In that book reading challenge, I want to add more books in French, and to also work towards balancing genres. Fantasy's great, but so can be other kinds.
  • and to start with new books on the shelf, namely Doyle's full Sherlock Holmes. More on all that, in my to be read entry, Monday, 1/1/2018! 
  • I need to learn to discern much sooner potential friends, and possible toxic or 1-sided friendships, even more so than ever, now that I know a lot more people
  • Pace these friendships, and spend equal times with people that I like equally, as much as possible
  • Cut out toxicity and 1-way friendships
  • Keep the good friends, and get to know my friends more, especially those I met in 2016-2017, to deepen our relationships!
  • Keep regular blogging and expand my baby-blogs further 
  • Keep practicing gratitude and work on my positive thinking, not only as part of challenges, but as overall self-care and self-love, but also show others that I appreciate them in more tangible and directly understandable terms and acts. This will help my physical and emotional recovery, post Slow Mohs operation, and avoiding my sinking into depression as often as I had been slipping before.
  • Instead of doing last-minute projects under stress, pace myself throughout the year. 
  • This will be true of our artistic project in creating home-made greeting cards for birthdays, cultural holidays, and occasional events friends can encounter. 
That's all that I feel is attainable and thus ends my goals for 2018. 

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