Black Lives Matter, let's unite and speak up to correct injustices, to fight for equality and bury racism

Sunday 24 December 2017

311- 100 things to be grateful for

52weekgratitude's near the end. For week 51, the prompt are 100 things to be grateful for...
I wasn't sure I could reach 100, but in a few days work and looking at previous posts and other people's for inspiration, I realized that each thing that I added, brought me closer to my goal, which is now complete.

  1. my mother who gave me life and took me back home after a long absence ; for her financial help through the years and the ones she gave me shelter 
  2. my wife, as her support has been invaluable in my healing process, her patience, kindness and company have been vital elements in my life 
  3. My paternal grandfather 
  4. my friends, the old ones who stayed, the news that I made this year and the past few years, have all added and enriched my life, each in their own way and in the specific meeting conditions (ie, some in mental health community, some in local vegan group, some met years ago online, in one way or another)
  5. Those friends with changed my life, either in my youth (there were 2) or the ones I met through the years as I grew up to adulthood. Some have already their FF on twitter or shoutouts here. 
  6. Cutting toxic relationships away 
  7. Stranger's kindness 
  8. Roof over my head
  9. Apartment & space it gives 
  10. Heating in winter, 
  11. ventilation in summer 
  12. Water 
  13. and food to sustain my body 
  14. specific foods- bread, pizza, cookies, cake and other carbs
  15. specific foods-veggies
  16. specific foods-fruits
  17. Herbal teas for flavor and for health benefits 
  18. Juices 
  19. Books
  20. Libraries, evidently 
  21. and book stores
  22. Fav authors - Tolkien 
  23. Fav authors - Virginia Woolf 
  24. Jane Eyre which brought about my feminism 
  25. Inspirational people who give food for thought through their words and acts 
  26. Access to medical coverage 
  27. Electricity
  28. plumbing 
  29. Technology 
  30. Rechargeable batteries 
  31. The internet 
  32. Fast loading websites 
  33. Communication devises and tools (phone, skype etc) 
  34. Entertainment center to listen to...
  35. Music
  36. or to watch movies and shows, sometimes documentaries 
  37. Star Trek ! 
  38. Gene Roddenberry for creating Star Trek 
  39. and those who continued the saga 
  40. Particular music note goes to Poliker who influenced and inspired hope in my youth, to fight and survive my ordeals and traumas 
  41. Access to nature for hikes
  42. access to multiple stores and
  43. the local street market, and also 
  44. public transportation 
  45. and when I don't have to wait for them too long! 
  46. especially if they  made the effort to wait for you as some can be sticklers 
  47. Inflatable bed 
  48. Blankets and sheets 
  49. Clothes to wear 
  50. Appliances such a laundry machines, 
  51. and other home utensils that make life easier 
  52. Especially a stove, and..
  53. slow cookers
  54. and the steam cleaner 
  55. Comfort of a good chair or sofa 
  56. psychotherapy & 
  57. cbt, both with which I made progress in healing 
  58. Photography and my camera 
  59. Blogging has been cathartic and a tool of self expression
  60. youtube for music, docus, podcasts, and mental health vlogs which brought me to ..
  61. twitter and it's MH community, where friendships were tied and support was given 
  62. Nature 
  63. My body which carried me thus far 
  64. Also specifically my brain which enabled me to cope, to learn, to understand and to grow... 
  65. My eyes, to see everything
  66. Art, it's beautiful to see
  67. Education
  68. Most people say their skepticism and faith, so I'll say my un-faith : being an atheist is a liberation 
  69. The core values I learned to have, such as veganism 
  70. Feminist movements which help and have been helping social changes for women
  71. Animal rights activism which helps give voice to the voiceless 
  72. Medias for propagating these values 
  73. Despite rare issues, postal services 
  74. Honest people, as I hate games and lies 
  75. I do like video games 
  76. and board games (both offer time to spend, skills to develop, and socializing) 
  77. Recycled materials 
  78. Sunny, warm days 
  79. Snow from afar, it's pretty and I don't have to walk in it or fall on its iced form 
  80. Living in a rather social country
  81. Daily heroes from nurses, doctors or fire department and security offices, who help save or improve lives 
  82. The big bang which gave in time birth to ...
  83. ...Our solar system and planet Earth...
  84. ... Where life life evolved to become rich, varied and to include us humans ...
  85. Science that helps to learn all this ...
  86. and not living in an anti-science country where I'm free to know this and learn more 
  87. also animals and pets, their cute ways, their funny ways etc 
  88. Despite shortcomings, modern medicine, more scientifically based and where...
  89. Cures to some previous deadly illnesses are found & use 
  90. Routines 
  91. Ability to express emotions and thoughts 
  92.  Sales and good deals 
  93. Healthy days, thanks to.. 
  94. ...A good immune system
  95. Learning from experiences 
  96. People who use proper grammar and spelling - making it easier to read them 
  97. These things which make me smile, laugh or happy (some aren't on this list)
  98. and some of these self-care which expand on this list 
  99. The ability to choose between options, where that's possible 
  100. Challenges, helping us learn, and grow 
1 more, last week to finish this challenge!

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