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Sunday 24 September 2017

272- 52weekgratitude catchup 33-38

It’s time to catch up with the 52weekgratitude challenge. My last entry was for week 32, a city I’ve visited. In that case, it was Châtel-Guyon, and its forest where I went to hike with a friend.

This past summer and especially the past few weeks have been quite difficult as I struggled with my chronic depression, cyclothymia, cptsd and overall mental health was failing, so I had a tough time thinking of this challenge and its 33rd topic : something I was looking forward to

In reality, that was the new planet of the apes movie, the third in the new series. While the movie was a bit of a let-down due to the lack of female characters which isn’t a new problem, I had hoped it’d be better than it actually was. However, it wasn’t a bad movie per-se, I quite enjoyed it as well as watching the 2 previous installments, all 3 with my wife and a friend we invited for the occasions.

For week 34, things I like about fall. Well, I don’t like the increased humidity and lowered temperatures, but I like the change of colors as tree leaves shift to oranges and yellows, before they fall, whilst other trees remain green and offer a variety of natural colors.

The best features of the fall, for me, revolve around fruits (the return of grapes! Especially Lavallée kind, very sweet) ; all kinds of pumpkins and squashes, which are fruits and so lovely in savory dishes of all sorts.

Week 35 : things I like about my neighborhood. Well, I don’t live in a very good one, though things are a bit calmer than a few years ago. I do like easy access to 3 supermarkets and an organic store, all within walking distance, but here again, only one of those supermarkets is actually in our official quarter, whilst the rest are outside of it.
There’s a small park nearby, and a few other places, where I can photo-shoot nature and city-scapes.

Week 36 : my home. I like what we managed to do with our apartment, the science-fiction and fantasy living room, where we have a black sofa, a black and grey carpet, and matching black and silver entertainment center.
I like that we actually have this apartment and that we don’t live with my mother like we used to, as we have more space, but I must say that there are quite a few flaws and gripes about it as well.

Week 37, something I created. That'd be my blogging, including the arrival of my last 2 babies : my gamer and photography blogs on top of all the others. 

Week 38. I love music, it’s a vital part of my life, and days I don’t listen to it I get grouchy, moody and sink further into my depression. Overall, my tastes vary between classical, pop and rock, electronica/EDM, and some oriental as well, on which I grew up. I suggest you check my music blog, which is slowly growing. 

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