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Wednesday 13 September 2017

270- B12 deficiency and my mental health

My struggles with mental health don't really ever stop, and on top of everything, I've been anxious and super-stressed about my B12 situation, as I've had a severe deficiency, and doubts as to my body's ability to keep it, lead my GP to prescribe an invasive test, that would've triggered my emetophobia so much that I had postponed it for over 5 years already.

This summer, during a check-up that I requested to see if my blood would indicate why I was so tired all the time, revealed the deficiency was still bad ; even worse from the previous blood-works. He reminded me about the invasive test, and I requested that I try supplementation at first, due to my triggers.

He agreed, but also said that if it didn't work, he'd have to send me for that test, and due to my case, he could prescribe an anaesthesia and that if that one showed my body doesn't keep it from the supplementation, he'd most probably send me for monthly injections.

Anxiety flared about both cases, as I fear needles and that test really sounded horrible. I won't go into details, not to trigger other emetophobes, but for the past 2 months, my anxiety level had been so big, that I couldn't cope with anything.

I finished my supplementation on Monday, and today went to the lab to get tested. The results show that although my levels are still low, they are finally within the norms.

The top shows my B12 levels from 17th of July, and the bottom from today:

As far as I understand the other factors in my results, I think my pernicious anemia has also finally gotten under control - although it doesn't seem to be totally gone. There were 2 or 3 numbers slightly over the maximum normal levels, but not as high as in July, so I assume things are improving as my blood cells size become closer to normal.

Seing this, I felt relieved ! I had feared so much both the invasive test and monthly meetings with a needle, that I've been dragging myself around for 2 months.

Now, I only have to go to the GP Friday evening for a prescription to continue my supplementation at that high dosage, to keep afloat... probably for the rest of my life.

A small reminder : B12 deficiency isn't a risk only for vegans such as myself, but most vegans absolutely need to get the supplementation. Vegetarians get it in eggs, for example, whilst most people get from omni diets where B12 is added to foods.

Check your levels, as pernicious anemia is the least of the possible side-effects.

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