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Sunday 16 July 2017

259 - 50 Questions you’ve never been asked tag

Kate Hawkins tagged me for these 50 questions tag, which she replied on her blog
Get to know me through them, as much as I was able or willing to answer, as follows. 

1. What’s your favourite candle scent?  Am not into candles, but if I had to choose, either vanilla or no scent
2. What female celebrity do you wish was your sister? Betty White! I love her vegan conviction and that she is still active and reminds us that age of the mind supersedes the body, by remaining such an active person!
3. What male celebrity do you wish was your brother? Moby, vegan, recently turned atheist, always a geek, inspiring musician and a funny guy. I think Betty, He, and us (my wife & me) would have a blast!
4. How old do you think you’ll be when you get married? As a kid & teen, I didn’t think I would marry; I did it when I was 30
5. Do you know a hoarder? Yes I do
6. Can you do the splits? No, far from limber enough to do that
7. How old were you when you first learned how to ride a bike? I was a teen when I tried but I never learned
8. How many oceans have you swam in? 0
9. How many countries have you visited? I think that’s a 0 tho I lived in 2
10. Is there anyone in your family in the army? Don’t know (cut ties with most)

11. What would you name your daughter if you had one? 12. What would you name your son if you had one? Contrary to most people, I didn’t imagine names for future kids I’d have, because since I was 10, I decided not to ever have any. If I had wished to have them, I wouldn’t choose a name beforehand, anyways.
13. What’s the worst grade you’ve gotten in a test? I think it was 13% when I was trying to get a GED equivalence, though am not sure which subject it was
14. What was your favourite TV show as a kid? Nils Holgerson, Chocky, The Tripods, Tintin, and cities of gold
15. What did you dress up as for Halloween when you were 8? No Halloween where I was when I was 8
16. Have you read any of the Harry Potter, Hunger Games of Twilight series? Potter yes, I won’t read twilight as 1 it’s about vampires and am not into that, outside of stoker’s Dracula that I started, and 2 and most importantly, it’s a Mormon propaganda book-series. Not sure if I need to read the hunger games, it’s not really my interest
17. Would you rather have an American accent or a British one? A British
18. Did your mother go to university? If I recall well, she did (I got bad memory, what can I say? Didn’t ask her recently)
19. Are your grandparents still married? 1 grandfather died, the other ones I have no clue (no longer in touch, if they are still alive, they’d be really old)
20. Have you ever taken karate lessons? no

21. Do you know who Kermit the frog is? Yea
22. What was the first amusement park you went to? Never went to any
23. What language besides your native language would you like to be fluent in? If I could study & retain? German I guess
24. Do you spell the colour as grey or gray? Both, unevenly
25. Is your father bald? Let me say it again, I cut ties!!! 
26. Do you know any triplets? No
27. Do you prefer the Titanic or The Notebook? Haven’t seen the notebook, so cannot compare
28. Have you ever had Indian food? I loved it when I was younger, now I can eat only the milder versions
29. What’s the name of your favourite restaurant? I don’t go to any in any regular basis to have a fav
30. Have you ever been to Nandos? Doesn’t apply in france (as far as I know)

31. Do you belong to any warehouse stores? (Costco, Brookers, etc) we have fidelity cards in most supermarkets and many stores, but again, in france, not the same as those!
32. What would your parents have named you if you were the opposite gender? Ya know, I never asked, but you’ll see why in a future post, maybe, possibly
33. If you have a nickname what is it? Lulu
34. Who is your favourite person in the world? My wife
35. Would you rather live in the countryside or the city? The city, but not too big
36. Can you whistle? Not really… or actually, really not. You know, like Data in TNG… it just won’t come.
37. Do you sleep with a night light? Yep , in the hallway, to I don’t bonk when my bladder wakes me, and to have a source of light for my nyctophobia.  
38. Do you eat breakfast every morning? Almost
39. What medical conditions do you have? Whyare thsequestions soimpertinent syndrome
40. How many times have you been to hospital? Too many

41. Have you ever seen Finding Nemo? A few years ago, dunno if I’d still like it now
42. Where do you buy your jeans? In the mal, every few years LOL
43. What was the last compliment you got? That I was strong and inspiring
44.Do you remember your dreams in the morning? I used to, not so often anymore
45. What flavour tea do you enjoy? Peppermint’s my fav!
46. How many pairs of shoes do you currently own? 7 including a pair of snow boots
47. What religion will you raise your children to practice? I don’t want any kids, and if I did, no religion, atheism and secular, intellectual and compassionate
48. How old were you when you found out Santa wasn’t real? What? He isn’t ? nah, am kidding, I never believed in him, and if I had, I wouldn’t anymore as I don’t believe in any religion, no god no magical-bearded dude flying on deer and falling into chimneys to distribute gifts in one night... 
49. Why do you have a blog? I already answered this here
50. Name 5 of your favourite albums ever (just examples)

Yehuda Polike - “what is my love called” ; Erasure- Chorus, Ethnix -  Massala, Pet Shop boys – Very, Schiller – Atemlos 

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