Black Lives Matter, let's unite and speak up to correct injustices, to fight for equality and bury racism

Sunday 21 May 2017

242- Summer's my favorite season!

I think the person who made this challenge should've swapped weeks 21 & 25, because summer doesn't tend to start in May but in June.  Either case, here I am, talking about summer. 

I'm grateful for summer's warmth, though my heat resistance has lowered the past few years, either out of aging or lack of exposures due to several physical health issues that prevented me or to my avoidance due to my social phobias. 
Either way, I hope that this summer will mark a return to better shape so I can hike again, and some moderate climate would be nice. 

I love the natural colors of early summer, while it's still vibrant from spring but not wilted from extreme heat. That particular moment is short, but when experienced, it's quite lovely! 

Summer tends to be the one season where I can meet friends more often, because it's the period most people get vacation time from their busy work schedules. Summer is therefore great for socializing and feeling less awkward due to my all my winter depression that gradually faded away during spring, to let totally go in summer. It's nice to have fewer causes for depression.

In summer, all the last vestiges of sweaters and long sleeves tend to be set aside for short sleeve tshirts and fewer layers to wear. 

In summer, I am more active and feel more alive - even my metabolism picks to fullest speeds and I get to enjoy all summer fruits which are some of my favorites! 
Berries, watermelons, cantaloupes, abricots, peaches and figs, cherry and grapes are just some of those favs. 

It's also the season I tend to dare a bit more and travel, such as Paris last year (this entry's image comes from one of those two trips). Most journeys are closer to home, partially due to my social and travel anxieties, partially due to budget limits. 

Most of my summer outings are the same as spring ones : I love going to the local gardens, as well as hiking in nature, alone or with friends.

C'ommon, Summer! 

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