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Sunday 16 April 2017

228 - Spring is great!

After long months of autumn and winter where nature dwindled to replenish itself and weather became colder and colder, it's always a pleasure to meet again with Spring. Slowly, nature's rebirth yields vibrancy; plants grow more visibly and offer a cornucopia of colors, attracting all kinds of living beings : birds, insects, and my favorite of those : butterflies, who molt from their chrysalises. They flutter about, landing on beautiful flowers, sometimes posing long enough for me to photograph them in many angles - though sometimes they are very skittish, or land in un-photogenic positions. 

I love spring because it brings with it nicer temperatures,  and less humidity : these are great for my physical health because I'm chronically hypothermic, thus my overall resistance to cold is less than the average person, and less humidity means more manageable back pains. 

I love spring because I can walk outside more frequently, going to stores, libraries and the park by foot, thus taking fewer buses but also get the exercise. 

Hiking in spring is so much nicer than muddy, cold and humid winter ones ; I can actually bring my camera gear and not worry about all my winter layers - a backpack's easier to carry on a wind jacket rather than on a heavier coat. 

Hiking in spring isn't as strenuous as under heavy summer sun. Though I do prefer summer for its added warmth, spring has become nicer for me as I age and can tolerate extreme heat a bit less well now. Who knows, if this trend continues, spring might become my favorite season.

I'm always grateful for spring, not just for 15th week in 52weekgratitude challenge, but more generally for all the beauty, fresher air, as I feel reborn ; I feel more at ease after long, rather depressing and grey winter days. 

Week 16 shall be about the simple things in life 

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