Black Lives Matter, let's unite and speak up to correct injustices, to fight for equality and bury racism

Wednesday 29 March 2017

220- A big accomplishment

A few days ago, I saw Jodie's post about an upcoming campaign, requesting answers to 5 questions - with the prospect of it appearing online for everyone to read. 
I usually avoid such campaigns, due to my paranoia that my dad would find me. 

But, I dared me paranoia and told it to shut up, for a change. I filed my replies and sent them to the person who will pass it along to be published next week. Although I didn't say anything that could be easily traced back to me, and didn't share my full name for the campaign, it's still a massive step forward for me. 

I accomplished this in an easy way, natural and flowing way. I just did it. No overthinking, nor over analyzing. I saw the topic was about the importance of someone being there for a person who suffers from mental illness, and how this applied first for my own case and what I would suggest. Now, you might know : it's in your corner campaign, by Time to change. 

My participation shall appear alongside the others, in just a few days.

I'm personally quite proud of myself and although this isn't my biggest accomplishment, it still is a massive personal victory, fitting both

#30dayblogchallenge day 21 & 52weekgratitude week 13. 
Next on these challenges are
day 23* my hobbies, and week 14 : a talent I have 

This was day 21 of #30dayblogchallengeThis is my intro to it ; It was setup by  and this are her original blogposts

( * skipping day 22)

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