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Monday 20 March 2017

214- I miss...

5 days late, this is day 15 in ##30dayblogchallenge : Some things and people I miss. 

I miss my younger physical form and higher metabolism where eating wasn't the issue it became with aging and slowing down, needing exercise that I can no longer perform. 

Miss the days my mental health was more manageable and were I could have more functional activities. 

I miss, quite logically, those days I could talk for hours and hours, read, be very active & still have energy  left. Not like now where composing a blog entry can be a task in itself... 

I miss my grandfather - he's probably passed away by now, or he'd be 100+. We were close, the only person I truly loved in my entire paternal family. He taught me a lot, and he was instrumental in learning the truths that were hidden from me during my difficult youth. 

I miss our dogs, Ola and Cynthia, who had each brought happiness in our hearts. I miss some of the aspects of caring for a dog - tho far from all of the difficulties we had we them, each. 
I miss some of my friends who moved far away, or have always been far, geographically and therefore I miss those times I could've traveled to visit them. 

I know my situation is what it is and that my breakdown is a temporary setback, the fruit of years of ongoing psychological processes which resulted in this state ; I know that once I recover since I'm now properly working on my mental health instead of avoiding it, things will become better one day, and then, I won't miss so much of my younger self. 

Introduction to the challenge setup by  & her original blogposts
Day 16 shall be about money, and what I'd do with it if I won a large sum. 

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