Black Lives Matter, let's unite and speak up to correct injustices, to fight for equality and bury racism

Wednesday 15 March 2017

210 - Inspirations


Week 11 of this challenge asks to talk about a person who inspires me. I decided to cheat a bit, because far too many people inspire me, so I'll take of Inspiration in a multitude of voices, shapes and currents, thus enabling me to double the post as a shout-out as well.

However, as of June 2021, I changed all shout-out entries, removing ex-friends from being mentioned and accepted, especially that some had bad actions towards me and I felt it wasn't right to keep their names on my blog anymore. The original entry has been hidden and this one reflects changes to the text. 

First, I'll talk about a past inspiration, which has marked me life, forever : Charlotte Brontë, through her most famous novel, Jane Eyre, which propelled my quest for feminism. I re-read it as an adult and not only did it stand the test of nostalgia and time, it is still quite a relevant inspiration to raise my own feminist voice, joining all the other ones already outspoken, past, present and future. 

Another current has been Virginia Woolf - you'll notice that I tend to write in a stream of consciousness just like her. My writing style is highly influenced for my lengthy details, like her essays, more so than her short fiction. I may not have her richness or intent, as I developed my own expression. 

Hannah , you created a mental health chat on twitter, giving a lot to the blogging and mental health community at large. You have given me a boost to continue raising awareness as well as express myself through the outlet of blogging, and to search for a way to also give back. Thus far, I've been offering help and support but I'm trying to find new ways.

Melissa, you reminded me how good it is to be a geek, and carry the label proudly. I need to stop hiding parts of me just because some people cannot fathom outside of the box thinking, or imagining better futures depicted in fantasy or science-fiction. You also created the informal #PJchat, which changes and deals with some lighter subjects. To my readers, here's her blog.

Cerian, your campaigning for what you believe in, joining acts to words have given me the boost I needed for a great goal : once I can deal enough with crowds, I'm joining the feminist movement more actively. I never imagined that I could do this but I want to go down to the streets, march alongside other feminist - a cause I've believed in for the past 30 years. Cerian is still a dear friend but she changed her social media in 2020. 

Thank you everyone who inspired me, some of which are friends. 

Week 12 shall be quite easy, because it was already addressed twice before : my favorite personality trait. 

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