Black Lives Matter, let's unite and speak up to correct injustices, to fight for equality and bury racism

Friday 2 September 2016

136-CBT 2016-7

This morning, I was a bit anxious about this 7th session, because I hadn't really fulfilled the tasks I was set to on mast last CBT

Indeed, I had a few exposure tasks, but didn't do them daily as I was supposed to.
I tried a few of them, but outside factors delayed me. 

Indeed, I was supposed to invite more new friends (people that I know less) and have tried to do that, but because it was August, I didn't manage to actually receive and entertain these friends. Instead, I did manage to invite closer friends - 1 for a meal and a movie, another for 2 movies and a meal, and went with him to the theater the next day, as well as on a road trip a few days later. 

I was supposed to go to the public gardens more often, and in 3 weeks have gone only to one, once. I really need to do that more often.

I spent more time in the market, supermarket and mall, but the anxiety couldn't reach its normal high because, again, it's summer and most people were away. 
Now that school started again, people are back and so I should be able to achieve my tasks.

I couldn't make any official phone call, but someone from the employment agency called me yesterday - anxiety went through the roof but I managed to talk and get answers to questions I had planned to ask in person but hadn't managed to actually go there because of the people and a few other anxieties.

My therapist pointed out that I actually adapted to the circumstances and made some limited exposures, but I still did them. 

She urged me to continue all my previous tasks till I master them, and also try the next level of difficulty with 2 new tasks:

  • Do the social exchange of kisses on the cheek (welcome to France!) and not formalize myself too much about it - she told me everyone, even those who don't have social phobias, always find that one awkward as well 
  • eat with friends more often - I have been doing it but not too often, so since it's a difficulty for me, I have to increase the frequency, and start with small gatherings and not necessarily have a meal but drinks, or deserts, before I move on to fuller meals 
In the end, my exchange with my therapist shed light on my accomplishments these past few weeks and my anxiety over this session flew away. 

These past few sessions, I mentioned here and then how my wife has been supportive and giving me good tips. In a couple weeks for my 8th session, my wife will come with me as my therapist asked.

Maybe she'll have some additional tools and ideas on how to support me further, and thus participate in my therapy. 

More on that, after the 16th of September. 

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