Black Lives Matter, let's unite and speak up to correct injustices, to fight for equality and bury racism

Wednesday 8 June 2016

86- Special Edition 4: Cortnee's 7 day positive vibes (3) - Positivity in Situations

Day Three Of Cortnee's 7 days positivity challenge : See Positivity in Every Situation (challenge: name five good things that happened in the past week or month)

The first two positive things I can think of in the past month relate to my mental health :

  1. I have started a new CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) and a very good rapport with my new therapist, giving me confidence that I am in good hands and finally on the right track.
  2. The other is my blossoming from a quiet, shy and phobic guy who never spoke out, slowly becoming an activist : I participated in my own way in May Mental Health Awareness month and loved it. At moments, it was painful to share certain details, but I felt and still feel very accomplished as I posted 26 entries on this very blog, 22 of them regarding said awareness month, all that in 31 days. I've never been so regular in any other journal, diary, or anything for that matter - in my whole life!
  3. During mental health awareness month, I'd decided to run a small poll concerning social anxieties. my 6 questions were answered by 4 persons and I was glad to receive enough various replies to show how these anxieties affect every person differently and thus help raise awareness. The best aspect of that poll as well as posts I started for LGBTQ+ awareness, have helped one of my friends ascertain the nature of her social anxieties on one side, and start defining her identity in regards to LGBT : my posts have echoed in her in such a new light, that I can see that only a positive experience.
  4.  Moral support and show of kindness with other persons who also suffer from a mental illnesses have been a huge shining light throughout the past month, with raising awareness and meeting new people from a community full of generous people. 
  5. I've been thinking lately in a broader perspective of how small or big events with negative aspects can still become positive : for example, some king who expelled some people from his country on political grounds have led enough people to meet and ended up creating me. I am alive, in spite of something we can all label as negative. I see a positive result in my existence. Through this, I have met and know that I have both influenced and been influenced positively by many people and thus, we are all interconnected. 

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