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Friday 24 June 2016

100- the 100th post and a challenge

Brainstorming with my wife always brings great ideas. For my 100th post here, I invite you to a challenge : 

Name 100 ''things'' that are great when you are feeling down, or having a bad day. 
You can replace 'great' by good, or positive or whatever such word : the goal is finding 100 different (even slightly from one another) or that brings you some joy and relief- including on difficult days, or just on normal ones (see, I'm not too demanding!)

Also, this doesn't have to be in any particular order - a decreasing or increasing would be too daunting and counterproductive. 

I'll use hashtag #100posichallenge in the same vain as the 7dayposichallenge that Cortnee had made, but this is something to type and prepare at your convenience. I took some time before I got to the 100 and so, without further ado, here are... 100 things that make me happy, feel better, positive, recharged:

  1. my wife
  2. Veganism
  3. walking/hiking in nature
  4. walking around the block or discovering the city 
  5. good, kind friends
  6. making a difference in a friend's day by listening & supporting
  7. watching star trek 
  8. the star trek paintings my wife did for me, hanging above my computer
  9. listening to music 
  10. defying social stereotypes 
  11. the fact that I can rely on my mom if I ever need any kind of help
  12. Yehuda Poliker! (singer)
  13. Schiller ! (band) 
  14. reading a good book
  15. The Hobbit (book) 
  16. Lord of the rings (book)
  17. lord of the rings (movies)
  18. cooking
  19. eating
  20. pizza!
  21. bread!
  22. Practicing non-violence/ Ahimsa
  23. being compassionate 
  24. & being passionate 
  25. Cute animals! 
  26. Having a brain to think and analyse with
  27. Being a feminist
  28. science-fiction! 
  29. ''Khaaaaan''!
  30. star wars! 
  31. discovering new facets in shows I already watched
  32. discovering new sounds I never heard on a cd that I love
  33. a multi-channel release of my favorite albums
  34. having the multi-channel Hifi for it
  35. self-expression on my blogs
  36. artistic expression with digital photography
  37. my bridge camera! 
  38. modular tripod
  39. watching thrillers on valentine's day with my wife - a tradition
  40. watching Hitchcock movies (the ones we like)
  41. inviting friends for a vegan meal
  42. inviting friends for games (social or video)
  43. inviting friends to watch movies 
  44. ''I have been and shall always be, your friend''
  45. Watching it's a wonderful life with my wife, every x-mas
  46. Beethoven's 4th or 5th symphonies! 
  47. Pet Shop Boys
  48. Erasure
  49. Virginia Woolf's stream of consciousness 
  50. meaningful poems
  51. Learning something new
  52. Self-care
  53. Medicinal plants
  54. Meditation
  55. tree hugging
  56. air drums (maybe one day I'll buy real ones, too)
  57. growing long hair
  58. having cool-looking dyed hair
  59. The Dark crystal (the movie, the book about it, the dvd & bluray, all good)
  60. Art nouveau
  61. Allan Lee's art
  62. Brian Froud's art
  63. Beautifully delivered dialogues on shows or movies 
  64. Those songs that move me deeply 
  65. singing along (even though I'm off key)
  66. That steam cleaner that saves time, energy & my back 
  67. Moisture absorber devices 
  68. Growing my own sprouts
  69. making my own vegan milks 
  70. making bread
  71. Smelling organic lemons
  72. eating divine organic strawberries
  73. Butterflies
  74. That macro lens attachement that allows me to see some details on small insects, objects...
  75. the color Pink
  76. Ethnix (it's a band)
  77. the mental health community I found on youtube & twitter
  78. parodies
  79. rechargeable batteries : they save loads of money & are far more ecological their normal ones, for only a small investment 
  80. The internet : I met many great people, friends, and especially my wife
  81. boardgames
  82. videogames
  83. painting (which I do every some years)
  84. sculpting (same as painting)
  85. mint : the smell, the tea, it's so refreshing and boosting
  86. receiving compliments that I look younger after I shave & get my hair dyed, hiding my graying.
  87. Laughing till my belly aches 
  88. Skyping
  89. Flowers : love their beauty, their colors, their smells...!
  90. My floral bedding and cloths : they make me feel I am ME, and happy
  91. having a stove & oven with pans of all kinds for our cookies & baking - old but healthy style 
  92. My inflatable bed is great for my back : I have far more tolerable pains from my scoliosis when I sleep on it, instead of a regular mattress
  93. calculator when my brain's too tired!
  94. some may find this odd, but crying over sad songs or scenes, I find it a positive experience 
  95. Fidelity card at the theater : I get a free viewing every 10 movies, and another I can on my birthday 
  96. crosswords : I used to fill many of them, as brain teasers, and I loved doing that- I'll do it again!
  97. When I manage doing something that I found really tough, really challenging for me and I ''make it'' : It's so rewarding!
  98. feeling a slight breeze on a hot day 
  99. I love summer, with hot temperatures -just not so hot that I cannot function anymore, but I do love heat much better than cold coz I'm hypothermic
  100. public transport, to help cover bigger distances ! 

Alright, I'd love to read your 100 things, and remember to use #100posichallenge, I'll look for it online, on twitter (I'm lulublue there), on youtube (I don't vlog, I just watch)


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