Black Lives Matter, let's unite and speak up to correct injustices, to fight for equality and bury racism

Wednesday 4 May 2016

56- Special edition 2 : Mental health awareness month (4) - Support 1

Day 4 of mental health week, I now turn to getting support for my mental health.

The most important help I get is the patience I receive from my wife, who tries to find ways to kick me out of my comfortable avoidant zone and forces me to go to places : the movies, to see friends in a monthly veg café meetups, invite friends, and accept their invitations (not easy for me!), travel a bit more, and even pushed me to just go to the star wars convention last week.

This support is also extended from my close friends with whom I can discuss openly about my troubles, my feelings and expectations, as well as their understanding for various activities with them.
Over time, I managed to invite them over to play games, watch movies or just spend some time talking and eating good vegan meals together. For that, I'm quite happy because my previous local friendships weren't even vegetarian and accepting to eat with people wasn't easy on so many levels (and they had to accept to eat veg with me).

My family, on the other hand, isn't very understanding about my situation even though some also suffer from social anxieties, they just push through it and go to work or see rare friends, but they also don't do anything to heal because that's a basic mentality here (as I said elsewhere).

I had absolutely no support at work, partially because I wasn't diagnosed yet but I had already quite a few known phobias and anxieties, and never felt that I could even talk about it with my coworkers at all, so that's not a good place for me because I was already viewed as a freak by most of my coworkers.

The internet and specifically youtube are definitely where I draw most of my self support, as I see that I'm not alone to suffer, i'm no longer this freak of nature, that antisocial wolf in the corner, but one of many others who also struggle. Some vloggers come up with many good ideas that I try to implement in my own life and hope to surpass my many phobias, not just social ones, one day eventually...

to be continued in day 5...

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