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Wednesday 25 May 2016

71- Special edition 2 : Mental health awareness month (18) - Social Networks/Raising awareness

In the past few weeks I've listened to numerous testimonials from vlogers on youtube, who talked about mental health issues and shared their innermost private thoughts.

This month of May is dedicated to raising awareness regarding these topics, and LikeKristen  had initiated a project for the entire first week, and many people followed with their daily vlogs, each talking about their own issues as well as personal tools and ways they raise awareness, as easy day had a subject prompt.

This idea had a big success, as many participated.

When I first heard about it, I didn't know it that it'd originated with Kristen's idea.
I'd decided to participate in my own way, by blogging here and trying my best to raise awareness with my friends and confide more about my mental health, and the difficulties that I'm facing with my numerous phobias (i counted 20 of them thus far, including social ones), trauma and it's consequent PTSD, lack of self confidence, depression and at times feeling quite alone in my corner.

I had actually started searching for ideas on youtube since December, and launched my blogs in February, but in the past month or so, I decided to comment some of the vlogs I found useful or inspiring, because I wanted to give back to those I'd been listening to.

Then, as a natural progression to a much more regular blogging and youtube, I decided that the next step would be finding more social networks, to contact some of these vlogers and thank them in person and initiate a somewhat more human contact than basic YT comments.

Thus, Yesterady, I searched through twitter, instagram and facebook for the relevant pages, and right from this first day I found out that the community has been quite present and active, at least on twitter and I started messaging and commenting, because it was high time that I told you all something that I've meant to tell you :

Thank you for raising awareness through your candid, open-hearted  vlogs and shares, you've enriched me and helped me feel that I wasn't totally alone facing mental illnesses and I hope we can tie some friendships and outgrow our respective issues, in time, a lot of patience, compassion and mutual understanding.

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