Black Lives Matter, let's unite and speak up to correct injustices, to fight for equality and bury racism

Monday 15 February 2016

9- Book- Self help for your nerves

Final version 5/March/2016

I finished, or rather interrupted reading at page 157, that is 15 pages before the end, because I was a bit fed up with the book!

The author could have easily organized it in a much more concise form instead of endlessly repeating the unique 4 tips on each passage, even though they are valid.

These tips are: Coping; accepting; floating instead of fighting; and letting time heal us.

They are to be applied to each type of nerve crisis, far too detailed by the author: "simple crisis"; crisis resulting from a given problem; loss and sadness; guilt.

They have to be applied to whatever symptoms : obsession, sleep disturbances, loss of confidence, difficulties in contact with others; or if a persons returns home after recuperating elsewhere.

True, the author clearly explains the sections and mechanisms of nervous breakdown, with its symptoms, but she didn't have to repeat the advice but rather group them together and announce their application in each case.

The tools are logical, but one that I do not like: stay busy, develop the courage to heal, and .... religion. and that's when I say stop, because she brings it far too often and being spiritual atheist I find it exaggerated and inappropriate to a medical work, especially her remarks "say to those who have faith in god let him heal them - this only works on religious people, who are quite blessed - and it will show the way to others''. What religious militancy! ... I have a... holy horror! To the point that I won't keep this book - fortunately I bought it on second hand and was cheap.

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