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Saturday 27 February 2016

16 – A social phobic's tools (1)

As I announced earlier, I have developed in recent months new tools to move towards healing social phobias that give me so much trouble. 
During a first CBT that I stopped because I felt worse with my therapist than without, I started listening to vlogs on youtube, made by people suffering like me various forms of anxiety and social phobias ; depression; phobias and / or various obsessions; in short, our mental and emotional health to each and every one is put to the test.

That said, we are not crazy or insane; we have difficulty in social situations that many find mundane and not cause them any particular worries. But, many people have such difficulties, far more than we imagine. For proof, the abundance of videos on youtube, people who witness of their lives, their difficulties, but also the tools and hope for other social phobics since it's possible to heal - and each person has found tools to that goal.

Listening to these videos, as well as rare therapists and coaches who talk about these subjects has become a first tool, but is not the only one. Thereafter, and for the past month, I have keep a diary for my goals, my feelings about social situations ; I try to make daily entries, since I already tried diaries that I'd systematically abandoned in the past. I, do have several late entries already! 
Quickly during my research I came across Sidjie's channel, which shared among her recipe and makeup videos, several regarding her own path with social anxieties. With her approval, I share the link to her chanel. I like her candor and humor.Many people prefer to be very dry, or noisy, and I find her talks a good balance about a serious subject, but with a lively and fun spirit. Her most informative videos regard panic attacks, stress from vacation, holidays, and even shopping at the supermarket. (she's Francophone from Belgium). I need to learn to apply some of her tips that remain theoretical, and move toward healing.
Once again, thank you very much for your presentations Sidjie and your proposal to help me and finally, your encouragement.
Aside youtube and my diary, I also purchased and received two English books after advice heard on youtube. I started the first and in a hundred pages, may switch to the second.
The last tool in date is this blog, created to express myself and share my experience.
Sometimes I expose myself in social situations, but I still often prefer to preserve myself and stay home, pending a therapeutic management with a another CBT therapist, probably at the University Hospital. I spoke with the early last week and learned that the person with whom I had conversed in January is on holiday and will return this Monday. I therefore intend to contact for news in this regard at that moment. 
That is all I had to say to this post, which will probably be the first of a series on my tools. I might share the videos that I found useful and poignant later.

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